The Beginning and the Growth
Campion Higher Secondary School, Tiruchirapalli, was founded in 1934. It is the successor school to St. Joseph’s European Middle School, which was located at another site (on Convent Road) in Tiruchirapalli.
The school owes its existence to the philanthropy of a great priest, Mgr. Joseph de Rozario, an Anglo-Indian, who was once a district sessions judge. It was originally intended primarily for Anglo-Indians, but in the course of years, members of other communities have been admitted.
The first headmaster was Fr. V.G. Lambert, a Jesuit. He was ably assisted by a team of priests and lay teachers. The school started from very humble beginnings, as it had originally only a small two-storeyed bungalow, supplemented later by thatched huts, located on a four-acre plot of land. Its initial strength was 109 students, the majority of whom were day scholars. The rest were paying boarders and orphans.
In 1940, the area of the school compound was substantially increased by the purchase of a three-and-a-half-acre piece of land adjacent to the school. Shortly afterward, in 1943, the first major building was constructed. This was followed, in 1957, by another building, on the pattern of the existing building.
Meanwhile, the school continued to grow in popularity and strength. In 1962, the inspector of Anglo-Indian schools had the following report on Campion: “The pupils are receiving excellent training on all possible lines. The institution deserves all praise for its work and service”.
In academics, the school secured 100 percent passes in the High School Examination for several years, while, in sports, Campion rose to be the topmost school in the entire District of Tiruchirapalli.
To mark the 25th anniversary of its foundation, the school constructed, in 1960, a beautiful chapel, dedicated to “Regina Mundi,” the “Queen of the World.”
In 1970, the school had the unique honour of celebrating the canonization, on October 25, 1970, of Edmund Campion, the patron of the school.
In 1972, the Jesuits handed over the management of the school to the Diocese of Tiruchirappalli. In 1975, the management of the school was taken over from the diocese by the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel, members of a religious congregation internationally renowned for their service in the field of education.
With the coming of the Montfort Brothers, the school witnessed developments of a far-reaching nature. One very important development was the upgrading of the school to the higher secondary level. For this purpose, a new building on the pattern of the existing two buildings was constructed. The Higher Secondary section started functioning from June 1979.
To mark the 50th anniversary of its foundation, in 1984, the school constructed a beautiful building connecting two existing buildings. Shortly afterward, in 1990-91, a new building, dedicated to St. Montfort, founder of the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel, was constructed to house the Primary Section. It was followed by the construction of “Mariagam’, a residence for the brothers, in 1992-93. A swimming pool and two concrete basketball courts were added to the infrastructure of the school as Diamond Jubilee Memorials in 1994-95.
To commemorate a century of Montfortian service in India, the Indian Missionary Centenary Building was built in the year 2003-04. With its e-library, language laboratory, air-conditioned auditorium, and additional computer laboratory, it offers the students the opportunity to equip themselves with up-to-date knowledge of the world before them and to acquire excellence in English.
On January 12, 2019, a long-cherished dream was realized when the quadrangle facing the Golden Jubilee Building of Campion, almost half an acre, was transformed into “COBA—Montfort Auditorium,” an enclosure with the near comfort of an auditorium and the luxury of an indoor stadium. It was a magnanimous gift of the old boys of Campion to their Alma Mater.
Of late, our beautiful chapel, a sanctuary and a place of reflection for the students for the past 64 years, was renovated. It was blessed and inaugurated on May 27, 2024.
The school has reached great heights in every sphere of its activities. In academics, the results of the Higher Secondary and High School Examinations have been mostly flattering. In sports and games, Campion students now rank with the best in Tamil Nadu. In other co-curricular activities, Campion students have acquitted themselves creditably. The school is now regarded as one of the finest in the whole of India.
Since its founding in 1934, Campion has had an array of stalwarts in the persons of Rev. Fr. V.G. Lambert and Rev. Fr. T.A. Fleming. Rev. Fr. J. Hession, Rev. Fr. Koilparambil, Rev. Fr. A.J. Tamby, Rev. Fr. T.M. Mathai, Rev. Fr. R.W. Macedo, Rev. Bro. John of the Cross, Rev. Bro. Antony of Padua, Rev. Bro. Anselm, Rev. Bro. Sebastian Joseph, Rev. Bro. John Berchmans, Rev. Bro. A. Selvanathan, Rev. Bro. S. Michael, Rev. Bro. S. Soosairaj, Rev. Bro. J. Jesuraj, Rev. Bro. M. Arul, Rev. Bro. Dr. M. Irudayam, and Rev. Bro. L. Joseph Sagayam.
Today, after 9 decades with Rev. Bro. R. James Paulraj as the mainspring of all its activities, Campion continues to strive towards greater heights. If the destiny of India is shaped in its classrooms, Campion can legitimately claim its contribution to this sacred duty. With the completion of ninety years of its existence, Campion now stands poised for its onward march. It looks back, with satisfaction and pride, at its remarkable achievements.
It cannot forget what it owes to its great men and women of the past who, with tireless energy, had dedicated their lives to achieve the ideals of Campion. It also remembers those who are with us today, working silently, steadfastly, and with devotion in the service of the school. With thoughts such as these to inspire and placing its trust in God, Campion can look forward to the future with hope and confidence.